Our Vision: To restore and enhance the indigenous flora and fauna of Puahanui Bush so that all native plants and animals characteristic of a lowland podocarp forest are present and flourishing.
Many species in decline elsewhere still exist in Puahanui Bush. Just behind the homestead the 132- hectare lowland podocarp forest is a significant biodiversity landmark in Hawke’s Bay. Preserved by the Carlyon and Hudson families it is the largest tract, and one of the best representative remnants, of this forest type remaining within the surrounding ecological districts of Heretaunga, Eastern HB, Maungaharuru, Ruahine and Eastern Wairarapa.
Guided tours are the only way to view the bush as there are no tracks in the main part of the bush. Tours cost $50 per person with a minimum number of 4 people. Each tour takes up to one and a half hours.
We are involved in the Central Hawke’s Bay Spring Fling promotion run by Hawke’s Bay Tourism and for 4 days during September and October we run guided bush and garden tours. Each day starts at 10am and consists of a bush tour, a sit down lunch in the homestead hall, a homestead tour and then a guided garden tour, finishing at around 3.30 or 4pm.